Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Winter 2-19-2018
The need for increasing fidelity and accuracy in mission-critical electromagnetic applications have pushed the problem sizes toward extreme computational scales. Therefore, there is a large premium placed on the investigation of parallel and scalable integral equation simulators, a particularly useful class of computational electromagnetics, to meet this demand. This dissertation will focus on three interrelated areas: i) quasi-optimal, well-conditioned integral equation based domain decomposition methods, ii) geometry-adaptive, multi-scale discontinuous Galerkin boundary element methods, and iii) high-performance and scalable algorithms to reduce the computational complexity of extreme-scale simulations with the aid of parallel computing architectures. This dissertation will first develop the mathematical underpinnings of a geometry-adaptive, integral equation domain decomposition method. Then the parallelization technique will be discussed along with many numerical experiments to profile its performance. Finally, two real-world applications will be discussed that demonstrate the utility of a high performance-enabled solution. First, a solution to the challenging problem of the solution and prototyping of antennas on large platforms will be discussed. Finally, the code will be used to solve a channel modeling problem that has many important applications for the fifth generation (5G) of wireless telecommunication.
Computational electromagnetics, Surface integral equation, Scientific computing, Domain decomposition method, Antenna design and analysis, Discontinuous Galerkin
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Zhen Peng
Second Committee Member
Daniel Appelö
Third Committee Member
Christos Christodoulou
Fourth Committee Member
Yang Shao
Recommended Citation
MacKie-Mason, Brian. "Novel Algorithms for Ultra Scale Electromagnetic Problems in the Supercomputing Era." (2018). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/410