Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-7-2016
The current frequency spectrum congestion in space is begging for the exploration and utilization of a new range of frequencies. The W/V-band Terrestrial Link Experiment (WTLE) project run jointly by AFRL, NASA and the University of New Mexico, focuses on using higher frequencies for satellite communications, more precisely, at 72 GHz and 84 GHz.
In this thesis, the rain effect on the propagating signal is studied. First, instantaneous comparisons between the experiment and two different models, the ITU-R and the Siva-Mello, is presented. Second, the WTLE link was analyzed statistically over a period of approximately 10 months, and the ITU-R model was tested accordingly. Third, a shorter prototype of the WTLE experiment was established spanning a distance of only 0.56 Km and operating at 84 GHz. In this experiment the weather factors affecting any signal attenuation are better known than the longer version of the WTLE experiment. Therefore, the shorter link is used to examine the validity and the accuracy of the ITU-R model for rain attenuation for the region of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
ITU-R, Rain, Attenuation, W-band, V-band, Propagation
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Christos Christodoulou
Second Committee Member
David Murrell
Third Committee Member
Zhen Peng
Recommended Citation
Daoud, Nadine. "RAIN ATTENUATION EFFECTS ON SIGNAL PROPAGATION AT W/V-BAND FREQUENCIES." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/299