Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
The problem of integration of distributed energy resources into the grid is addressed in this study. The main objective is to deploy such resources as an alternative for conventional resources in a power system, and to increase renewable resources share in the generationmix. Distributed energy resources in general come with small capacities, and may have an intermittent nature. The former characteristic limits their impact on large scale grid applications, while the latter characteristic can induce serious stability problems in the system. As the first step, an appropriate model is developed to mathematically describe the behavior of such resources and to facilitate developing applications that address performance and control issues of a power system. Also, design of an appropriate mechanism that can facilitate participation of distributed resources is presented in this manuscript. Specifically, optimal participation for distributed resources, while maintaining the stability of the system at different levels is of interest. Model predictive control provides a framework to address both optimal performance and stability concerns. The ability of the proposed platform to be a part of operating reserve capacity in a power system is addressed in a deterministic sense for standalone case, and in a statistical sense for system-wide implementation.
Distribution feeder microgrid, model predictive control, Power system resiliency
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Hayat, Majeed
Second Committee Member
Oishi, Meeko
Third Committee Member
Martinez-Ramon, Manel
Recommended Citation
Yasaei, Yasser. "Statistical Behavior of Distributed Microgrids with Cascading Model Predictive Control." (2016). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/261