Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Microwave signals can be photonically generated inside a quantum dot, passively mode locked laser. In order for this laser to be used as a microwave source, a microwave interface was created and connected to the laser. To characterize the source, its output microwave impedance was measured by using the load-pull technique. Also, the device was characterized in terms of output power, frequency and linewidth. The output frequency of the generated signal was 5GHz with a linewidth <2MHz. The output power that was extracted was as high as -6dBm without any further amplification. An active antenna element was connected to the laser to transmit the generated microwave signal. In addition, the injection locking of the laser to an external source was studied and demonstrated, as a way to increase the stability of the output microwave signal and to amplify its power by combining the output signals of multiple locked sources. Further applications of the laser as a feeding source in an antenna array were studied by building a quantum dot laser fed active microwave antenna array with injection locked sources.
Microwave devices, Mode-locked lasers, Quantum dots, Microwave antennas.
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Lester, Luke
Second Committee Member
Gilmore, Lester
Recommended Citation
Atmatzakis, Georgios. "Photonic generation of microwave signals : a quantum dot mode locked laser as a microwave source." (2012). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/23