Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Universities have long been analyzing student cohorts in an attempt to understand the factors influencing whether a student continues in their major, switches to another major (often referred to as swirl), or drops out entirely. A visual representation of how students flow between majors and colleges can aid in this understanding. This thesis will study how a student cohort can be represented in a Sankey Diagram. In this analysis, a student cohort is represented as a weighted, directed, graph, where a vertex represents a distinct class status for a semester and each weighted edge represents the number of students moving between class statuses. To ease understanding, this graph is represented visually as a Sankey Diagram, a special kind of flow diagram. The purpose of this tool is to give university administration a visual representation of the flow of a student cohort between majors and colleges on a semester by semester basis. This representation can be viewed at three levels of granularity: that of an entire university, college, or a single major.
Sankey, Student Data, Visualization
Document Type
Degree Name
Computer Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Abdallah, Chaouki
Second Committee Member
Lamb, Christopher
Third Committee Member
Turner, Terence
Recommended Citation
Morse, Caleb. "Visualization of Student Cohort Data With Sankey Diagrams via Web-Centric Technologies." (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/180