Electrical and Computer Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
Since the mid-1970s, the field of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) technology has extended to include High-Power Electromagnetic (HPE) sources/antennas. Two such EMP/HPE antennas, designed to address unique applications, are presented in this dissertation. The first is the Prolate-Spheroidal Impulse-Radiating Antenna (PSIRA). Such an antenna uses a prolate-spheroidal reflector and has two foci. A fast (<= 100 ps), high-voltage (> 100 kV) pulse launched from the first focal point is focused into a target located at the second focal point (near-field). It has been found that these pulses are useful for a variety of biological applications, such as accelerated wound healing and skin cancer (melanoma) treatment. Two lens designs for the PSIRA are explored. The first lens, called the focusing lens, is used at the second focal point of the PSIRA to better match the focused pulses into the (biological) target medium. Analytical calculations, numerical simulations and experimental results on a five-layer, hemispherical, dielectric focusing lens are detailed. The second lens, called the launching lens, is used at the first focal point of the PSIRA. For input voltages of 100 kV or more, a switch system, i.e., switch cones, pressure vessel, hydrogen chamber and launching lens, are required to effectively launch a spherical TEM wave from the first focal point. Various switch configurations are explored. It is shown that the pressure vessel can also serve as the launching lens, which considerably simplifies the design of the switch system. Spherical and cylindrical pressure vessel designs are investigated. The second is the Switched Oscillator (SwO) antenna. A SwO is essentially an electrical, shock-excited resonant structure. The SwO is adopted as a high-power antenna to radiate high-energy pulses in the terahertz frequency range. The primary focus is to use these pulses for secure communications. Analytical calculations for the SwO are detailed. Numerical simulations are used to optimize and more thoroughly study the antenna. Various characteristic relations obtained are used to provide a deeper insight into the working of the SwO radiator.
Electromagnetic pulse., Terahertz technology., Lens antennas.
Document Type
Degree Name
Electrical Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Buchenauer, Charles
Second Committee Member
Ellison, James
Third Committee Member
McDonald, Kenneth
Recommended Citation
Kumar, Prashanth. "Electromagnetic pulse technology : biological and terahertz applications." (2011). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ece_etds/145