Dental Hygiene ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-10-2019


As the Native American population of the Navajo Nation, becomes affected with diabetes dental offices across the Navajo Reservation must ensure that evidence based research is being presented n the oral systemic link of diabetes and periodontal disease. The purpose of this study was to bring awareness to the important topic of the bi-directional link of diabetes and periodontal disease with Native American dental patients. This topic seems to not be valued during oral hygiene education time and so that addition of a culturally-specific educational video on the topic should add value to the message. This topic was investigated via survey instrument and data were collected from three New Mexico Dental Hygiene Programs. Results of this study reinforced the importance of this video being added to the standard protocol dental visit, it illustrated the impact that this educational initiative could have on this population. A reinforcement of including this video during dental visits improves the awareness of the oral systemic connection.

Degree Name

Dental Hygiene

Level of Degree


Department Name

Dental Medicine

First Committee Member (Chair)

Diana Aboytes

Second Committee Member

Lindsey Lee

Third Committee Member

Christina Nathe




Diabetes, A1-C, Oral Hygiene

Document Type

