Dental Hygiene ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 12-8-2017
The Assessment of a School-Based Dental Program
Peggy H. Hyden
B.S., Dental Hygiene, Caruth School of Dental Hygiene, Texas A&M College of Dentistry, 1979 M.S., Dental Hygiene, University of New Mexico, 2018
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare non-participants and participants of a school-based dental program and assess the utilization and satisfaction of services offered. Methods: Sixty-seven hundred questionnaires, containing 20 questions, were distributed to the parents/guardians of the Carlsbad and Loving school systems. Surveys were taken home by the students, given to the parent/guardians and returned within 1 week. Descriptive statistics was used to report all data and proportions test was used to compare the non-participants and the participants and determine statistical significance. The significance level or P value was calculated using a general z –test.
Results: A total of 748 questionnaires, were returned resulting in an 11% response rate. Of this population 70% had never used the program, 19% had participated one time, and 10% participated 3 or more times. Ninety-nine percent of those who participated reported the experience was pleasant. Sixty-one percent of the participants reported no decay, 15% reported one cavity, 17% reported two cavities and 7% reported more than two cavities. Three questions were used to determine whether there was enough evidence of difference with the participants’ vs non-participants. Statistical significance was seen for question 1”Does it make receiving dental care easier and more available with the school-based program?”(p
Conclusion: This study revealed statistically significant differences between the non-participants and the participants in regard to satisfaction and utilization of the program. Many believed the school-based program makes utilization easier but the satisfaction comes in the participation of the program. The non-participants believe it does make utilization easier but choose not to use the program for various reasons. The school-based programs provide care for the underserved but many families choose to participate out of the ease of utilization. Parents do not have to take off from work; child misses very minimal class time. This is a big advantage of the school-based programs.
Degree Name
Dental Hygiene
Level of Degree
Department Name
Dental Medicine
First Committee Member (Chair)
Diana Aboytes, R.D.H. M.S.
Second Committee Member
Christine Nathe, R.D.H. M.S.
Third Committee Member
Demetra Logothetis, R.D.H.M.S.
School-based dental program, sealant program, children's dental program, Access to Care
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Hyden, Peggy H.. "The Assessment of a School-Based Dental Program." (2017). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/dehy_etds/20
Information cover sheet
Scan Dec 15, 2017 at 10_09 PM.pdf (436 kB)
Scan Dec 15, 2017 at 11_59 PM.pdf (421 kB)
Certificate of final form