Dental Hygiene ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-12-2017


Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), a condition of extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, can significantly impact the oral cavity in numerous ways both during and after HG pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of oral and dental related issues pertaining to Hyperemesis gravidarum as well as to uncover common oral and dental complications associated with the condition. This effort was made to provide dental hygienists and professionals with a thorough understanding of HG and its various effects on the oral cavity in order that patients of this population may be sufficiently recognized and served. Matters were examined through survey and data was collected from 251 women who have endured Hyperemesis gravidarum. Results of the study highlighted the difficulty that women who have suffered from HG had with routine oral hygiene during HG pregnancy and the various affects that Hyperemesis gravidarum has on the oral cavity during and after pregnancy. Dental hygienists and professionals must be aware and educated on Hyperemesis gravidarum and how it impacts the oral cavity in order that patients of this population may be optimally served.

Degree Name

Dental Hygiene

Level of Degree


Department Name

Dental Medicine

First Committee Member (Chair)

Christine Nathe, RDH MS

Second Committee Member

Christina Calleros, RDH MS

Third Committee Member

Diana Aboytes, RDH MS


Hypermesis gravidarum, oral cavity, nausea, vomiting, dental hygiene

Document Type

