Computer Science ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 12-16-2023


Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are currently the principal solutions driving smart cities. These new technologies such as Cyber Physical Systems, 5G and data analytic have emerged to address various cities' infrastructure issues ranging from transportation and energy management to healthcare systems. An IoT setting primarily consists of a wide range of users and devices as a massive network interacting with different layers of the city infrastructure resulting in generating sheer volume of data to enable smart city services. The goal of smart city services is to create value for the entire ecosystem, whether this is health, education, transportation, energy, and time to improve the quality of life of its citizens. Therefore, a smart city needs to adopt frameworks that are able to process a high-volume data to respond to the citizens' needs in a timely manner accurately and efficiently.




Internet of Things, Edge Computing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning

Document Type


Degree Name

Computer Science

Level of Degree


Department Name

Department of Computer Science

First Committee Member (Chair)

Michael Devetsikiotis

Second Committee Member

Shuang Luan

Third Committee Member

Jared Saia

Fourth Committee Member

Amanda Bienz
