Colonial Latin American Historical Review
Second Series, Volume 1, Issue 4 (Fall 2013)
"Having Served in the Troops": The Appointment of Military Officers as Provincial Govemors in Early Eighteenth-Century Spanish America, 1700-1746
Francisco A. Eissa-Barroso
Los intérpretes de Yucatán y la Corona española: negociación e iniciativas privadas en la fragua del imperio ibérico, siglo XVI
Caroline Cunill
La debilidad institucional del gremio de pintores de Cusco en el período colonial: un estudio historiográfico
Fernando A. Valenzuela
Book Reviews
Rachel Sarah O'Toole, Bound Lives: Africans, lndians, and the Making of Race in Colonial Peru
David Garrett
Jesús Cruz, The Rise of Middle-Class Culture in Nineteenth-Century Spain
Aurora G. Morcillo
Full Issue
Full Issue
Spanish Colonial Research Center