Communication ETDs
Publication Date
Currently, the communication research concerning mental health is sporadic, unorganized, and disintegrated. Previous research has not looked at organizing the literature through content analysis. To address this gap in the literature, the purpose of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the current state of mental health communication research. This thesis has six key objectives: (1) systematically review the communication literature regarding mental health communication and identify current trends and future areas for research; (2) identify the aspects or topics regarding mental health communication in published research; (3) identify the theoretical underpinnings of mental health communication research; (4) identify the socio-ecological levels addressed in current research; (5) identify the methodological focus of current scholarship (6) review the key findings in narrative format. The findings are compared to past research, trends and gaps within the literature are discussed in terms of areas for future research, and a critique of the research population is presented.
Communication, Health, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Social Ecological, Content Analysis, Systematic Review, Health Communication, mental wellbeing
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Communication and Journalism
First Committee Member (Chair)
White, Judith
Second Committee Member
Littlejohn, Stephen
Recommended Citation
Velarde, Camille. "A CONTENT ANALYSIS SPANNING 30 YEARS OF MENTAL HEALTH COMMUNICATION SCHOLARSHIP." (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cj_etds/83