Communication ETDs
Publication Date
The following study shows how dialectal tensions in environmental discourse are negotiated and serve to create and sustain the culture of an urban farmers market. Using theories of cultural communication as both theoretical grounding and methodology, the author was able to identify and interpret the functions of tensions previously presented by scholars in the field of communication. The principal set of tensions used for data analysis is the three dialectics presented by Milstein (2009) — mastery/harmony, othering/connection, exploitation/idealism. Upon analysis of these dialectics, a reoccurring theme emerged — discursive tension between economic advancement and community advancement. Cultural discourse analysis points to ways in which the use of these dialectics and this reoccurring theme under tension not only create the culture at this market, but also work to sustain it by generating increased levels of attendance and participation.
environmental communication, ethnography of communication, dialectics, cultural discourse analysis
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Communication and Journalism
First Committee Member (Chair)
Hendry, Judith
Second Committee Member
Agar, Michael
Third Committee Member
Foss, Karen
Recommended Citation
Boys, Jason. "Tensions in (Agri)Culture: The Negotiation of Environmental Dialectics at an Urban Farmers Market'." (2013). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cj_etds/74