Communication ETDs
Publication Date
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze a memoir/cookbook to highlight the unique role of food and recipes in relationships among women—specifically within mother-daughter relationships. The text highlights how food and recipes can become emotionally entwined in our life stories and in our relationships. Using cluster analysis, the analytical research of this thesis creates conversations about food and recipes as communicative vessels of intimacy and legacy among women and their daughters. Finally, this thesis demonstrates new ways food and recipes may help women navigate their own identities within both the psychoanalytical stages of the Oedipal complex and the psychological construct of the Mother archetype. The result is insight into how women may come to identify themselves as women—as a part of the ancestral and cultural sisterhood they are born into and as individuals.
food, recipes, mother, daughter, mother-daughter relationships, archetypes, identity, oedipal complex
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Communication and Journalism
First Committee Member (Chair)
Foss, Karen
Second Committee Member
Trujillo, Michael
Recommended Citation
Antoine, Darla. "Nopalitos Mean Something: Communicating Identity in Mother-Daughter Relationships through Food and Recipe." (2011). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cj_etds/62