Communication ETDs
Publication Date
This field study was a survey designed to collect and analyze data regarding the public's opinion or, the University of New Mexico. The first of its kind at U.N.M., it constructed a channel of feedback from the public to the University. The information obtained by the study establishes a base for expected responses of subsequent studies. This study measured existing attitudes in relation to demographic data. A mail questionnaire was sent to a stratified random sample of 3000 derived from each of New Mexico's thirty-two counties' voting lists. The questionnaire incorporated several types of scales which were coded for computer data analysis. The computer program used was the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. A chi square analysis was performed on each of the cross tabulations. The method employed for data collection was the mail questionnaire. The instrument was composed of scaled forms of the research questions listed above. The questions were demographic, informational and attitudinal in nature. These questions were important in establishing representativeness of the sample to the population and in analyzing the opinions of the different factions of the population on the basisof age, sex, locale of residence, etc. The study was designed primarily to be an aid to the Office of Public Information by supplying them with data from which to form their public relations objectives. The research questions which it asked were: which media are the greatest source of U.N.M. information, which geographical areas hold what opinions, what opinions are held by each of the socio-economic levels, age groups, and political parties. This information was desired for use in the preparation of information releases, and public relation campaigns. Significant relationships between the variables are reported as are trends, if any. Relationships are interpreted in light of other data given and then the conclusions were drawn. On the basis of the conclusions, recommendations are offered as possible solutions to deficiencies in U.N.M.’s image projection.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Communication and Journalism
First Committee Member (Chair)
Gerald Martin Goldhaber
Second Committee Member
Jesse E. Price
Third Committee Member
Lawrence Bernard Rosenfeld
Recommended Citation
Horan, Hilary H.. "A State-Wide Survey of Public Opinions Toward the University of New Mexico." (1972). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cj_etds/157