Chemistry and Chemical Biology ETDs
Publication Date
The subject of this dissertation is primarily the mechanisms and kinetics ot V(III) - V(IV) and Ti(III) - Ti(IV) electron exchange reactions in homogeneous solutions. The electron exchange process is a form of oxidation-reduction or electron transfer reaction where there is no net chemical change, i.e., the concentrations of the chemical species remain unchanged. In such cases there is a continuous exchange of electrons between a reduced and an oxidized form of the same element, such as between Fe(II) - Fe(III), V(III) - V(IV) or Tl(I) - Tl(III). The first two pairs involve one-electron changes while the thallium pair involves a net two-electron change. Since there is no net chemical effect in what is otherwise a chemical process, measurement of this phenomenon must be based on sane method other than chemical for following the progress of the reaction. There are two well-established methods, nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) and isotope labelling, both dependent on nuclear properties.
Project Sponsors
The Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
First Committee Member (Chair)
Milton Kahn
Second Committee Member
Jere W. Knight
Third Committee Member
Christopher Pratt Leavitt
Fourth Committee Member
Raymond N. Castle
Recommended Citation
Orth, Charles J.. "A Study of V(III) - V(IV) and Ti(III) - Ti (IV) Isotopic Exchange Reactions in Acid Solutions." (1969). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/chem_etds/164