Civil Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
State Departments of Transportation (DOTs)are increasingly interested in developing new strategies for the design and construction of transportation projects. As a result, they are adopting more integrated process. Projects that previously used separate steps and parties may now be included in a single Design-Build system. When making a decision between a traditional Design-Bid-Build delivery system or a more integrated project delivery system like Design-Build, the DOTs consider potential more cost savings, time savings, and quality improvement. In order to maximize success in Design-Build project delivery, state DOTs need to pay attention to the initial steps, like procurement. DOTs should prepare the procurement phase carefully based on project size, complexity, risks, timing, external factors, environmental issues, selection methods, etc. To assist in improving the success of Design-Build projects, this paper analyzes the relationship between procurement duration and Design-Build project success. Schedule growth, cost growth and total project time growth are used to measure project success in this paper. Linear regression analysis is used to analyze the relationship between procurement duration and each of the three project success factors. The results of the linear regression analyses show that there is a strong linear correlation between procurement duration and schedule growth. The longer the procurement duration, the less the schedule growth as a percent of the total project schedule. However, the research results do not indicate any linear or non linear correlation between procurement duration and cost growth. There is no evidence to indicate that a longer procurement duration will reduce cost growth. The research also shows that the effects of procurement duration on project success are variable based on different selection methods and project complexities. This research strongly suggests that DOTs focus on procurement duration as a way to improve project success.
Transportation--United States--States--Finance--Management, State transportation agencies--United States--States--Management, Government purchasing--United States--States--Management, Transportation--United States--States--Planning.
Document Type
Degree Name
Civil Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Civil Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Migliaccio, Giovanni C.
Second Committee Member
Guindani, Michele
Recommended Citation
Chen, Ao. "The relationship between procurment duration and design-build success in transportation projects." (2009). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ce_etds/59