Civil Engineering ETDs
Publication Date
In this study, fracture properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC), and High Performance Concrete (HPC) are presented. The average compressive strengths of UHPC and HPC used in the tests were 141 MPa, and 55 MPa respectively. Formulation and processing of the mixes and test specimens are also presented. Size effect and the influence of compressive strength of concrete on fracture parameters were investigated using test methods recommended by ACI Committee 446. The fracture properties investigated included crack opening displacement (COD), fracture energy GF, fracture toughness KIC, and bilinear approximation of the softening curve, for two different sizes of UHPC and HPC.
High strength concrete--Fracture.
Document Type
Degree Name
Civil Engineering
Level of Degree
Department Name
Civil Engineering
First Committee Member (Chair)
Taha, Mahmoud
Second Committee Member
Gerstle, Walter
Recommended Citation
Honarvar Gheitanbaf, Ebadollah. "Fracture toughness of ultra high performance concrete." (2011). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ce_etds/46