Civil Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Fall 11-24-2020


The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the interfacial reactions between uranium (U) and natural organic matter NOM) affecting the solubility, adsorption, and precipitation of U in organic-rich environments. The chemical interactions between U and NOM are not well understood, which justified the following research objectives: 1) Identify the effect of pH on U speciation and the organic functional chemistry in mineralized deposits from the Jackpile Mine.; 2) Identify the precipitation of U(VI) and NOM as a function of pH (2, 4 and 7); 3) Identify changes in DOM chemistry due to the reaction of NOM and U at acidic and neutral pH. Field and laboratory approaches used in this work contribute novel information about U speciation and reactivity in organic-rich environments. Fundamental knowledge from this work will be useful to identify future strategies towards remediation for contaminated sites.


uranium, organic matter, mine waste

Document Type




Degree Name

Civil Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Civil Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

José M. Cerrato

Second Committee Member

Abdul-Mehdi S. Ali

Third Committee Member

Adrian J. Brearley

Fourth Committee Member

Stephen E. Cabaniss

Fifth Committee Member

Bruce M. Thomson
