"Achieving Public Health and Climate Change Goals: What do we Need to K" by Mohammad Tayarani

Civil Engineering ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-12-2018


The overall aim of this dissertation is evaluating what new knowledge can be gained about the environmental and public health outcomes of regional transportation planning strategies by implementing a suite of more spatially and temporally detailed transportation and air quality models. This new knowledge can be used to better understand the potential health effects of emissions exposure while also guiding the development of new transportation and land-use plans, and related policies that have the potential to achieve large reductions in pollution exposure and green house gas emissions at local and regional level.


Air quality; Vehicle Emissions Exposure; Particulate Matter; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Transportation planning; Land Use; Smart Growth; Health; Environmental Justice

Document Type




Degree Name

Civil Engineering

Level of Degree


Department Name

Civil Engineering

First Committee Member (Chair)

Dr. Gregory Rowangould

Second Committee Member

Dr. José Manuel Cerrato

Third Committee Member

Dr. Vanessa Valentin

Fourth Committee Member

Dr. Yan Lin
