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Mãe de santo and devotees at New Years on the beach blessing offerings to be given to lemanjá. Most of the Condomblé ceremonies are not open to the public, but some occur during festive occasions in places like beaches, lakes or parks.Mãe de santo e devotos na noite do Ano Novo, na praia, abençoando as oferendas a Iemanjá. A maioria das cerimónias de candomblé não são abertas ao público, mas algumas ocorrem durante ocasiões festivas em lugares como praias, lagos ou parques.


Latin American and Iberian Institute / University of New Mexico


Brazil Slide Series Collection: This article is copyrighted by the Latin American & Iberian Institute (LAII) of the University of New Mexico. Rights permission is for standard academic, non-commercial, use of these materials. Proper citation of this material should include title, author, publisher, date, and URL. Copyright Latin American and Iberian Institute University of New Mexico 1994


Brazil: Candomble
