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Faculty Bibliography, Bibliometrics, R



This R script is used to create faculty bibliographies from Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus citation records. To run the script you first need to download citation records from WOS and Scopus to your computer or you can use records used in the manuscript which are located in the data directory. You will also need a list of faculty and their associated departments, an example of a faculty list as well as a list of blacklisted journals can be found on GitHub: The ./data/faculty_list.csv and ./data/blacklist.csv files can be updated as necessary just do not change the column names or format. Finally, you must specify the name of the file you wish to save the results to using the -o or --output flags.


-w, --wos The path to the WOS csv file -s, --scopus The path to the Scopus csv file -f, --faculty The path to the faculty/department csv file -b, --blacklist The path to the journal blacklist csv file -o, --output The file name you wish to save the results to -h, --help Shows the help message


This script must be run from the command line using the following syntax


## create faculty bibliographies and save results to citation_records.csv C:\\Rscript.exe bibs.R -w ./data/wos_export.csv -s ./data/scopus_export.csv -f ./data/faculty_list.csv -b ./data/blacklist.csv -o citation_records.csv ## show help C:\\Rscript.exe bibs.R --help

In the commands above C:\\Rscript.exe should be the absolute path to the Rscript.exe executable that was installed along with R.


## create faculty bibliographies and save results to citation_records.csv Rscript bibs.R -w ./data/wos_export.csv -s ./data/scopus_export.csv -f ./data/faculty_list.csv -b ./data/blacklist.csv -o citation_records.csv ## show help Rscript bibs.R --help


The following R packages are required and must be installed

  • optparse
  • tidyr
  • dplyr
  • stringr
  • digest

These can be installed by running the install.packages() command from within the R terminal.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
