Biomedical Sciences ETDs
Publication Date
Through end-user design based research methodology, we developed an interactive online social network that specifically communicates informative and harm reduction strategies for alcohol and illicit drug use to University students. Twenty-four demographically representative University undergraduates were recruited to participate in a two part quantitative/qualitative pilot study intended to assess usability of the website and explore necessary components to optimize website design and interactive experience for its target population. Website usability was assessed by participant completion of the modified Standard Usability Scale. Website design optimization was explored through focus group sessions. Based on the results of this pilot study, it is feasible to develop an interactive online social network to communicate health information to University students.
health communication
Document Type
Degree Name
Biomedical Sciences
Level of Degree
Department Name
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
First Committee Member (Chair)
Woodall, Gill
Recommended Citation
Shaw, Christian. "Implementing An Online Social Network For Health Communication." (2014). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biom_etds/85