"Improving Proton Pump Inhibitor Prescription Practices As a Means to " by Jens Langsjoen

Biomedical Sciences ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 7-10-2019


Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are commonly prescribed to treat stomach acid related illnesses, but increase the risk of hospital acquired infections. Measuring hospital PPI overuse trends and provider willingness to adopt PPI reduction interventions can inform the feasibility of reducing PPI overuse. We: (1) interviewed physicians, pharmacists and IT leaders to determine options for hospital PPI reduction, (2) analyzed electronic health record data to determine patterns of PPI overuse, and (3) surveyed providers regarding their willingness to adopt PPI reduction interventions. PPI use was inappropriate in 32% of inpatient encounters locally and 38% nationally. ICU exposure increased the odds of inappropriate use by 53% locally and 21% nationally. Common reasons for inappropriate PPI use were stress ulcer prophylaxis and symptom management. Providers rarely consider PPI adverse events or discuss these risks with patients, but are willing to adopt PPI reduction interventions. Reducing PPI overuse in the hospital setting is feasible.


proton pump inhibitors, ppis, nosocomial infection prevention, hospital acquired infections, drug overuse, over-prescription

Document Type


Degree Name

Biomedical Sciences

Level of Degree


Department Name

Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program

First Committee Member (Chair)

Teddy Warner

Second Committee Member

Kendall Rogers

Third Committee Member

Philip Kroth
