Biology ETDs
Publication Date
A distributional and zoogeographical analysis based on published records and approximately 13,000 specimens is provided for the 122 naturally occurring mammalian species in Sonora, Mexico. Twenty-eight species of unverified occurrence which could be present in Sonora are discussed. Domesticated mammals are listed and introduced species are briefly discussed. Descriptions of the topography, climate, vegetation, and hydrological features of Sonora are included. Dichotomous keys provide for the identification of Sonoran mammals to the levels of order, family, and species. Species accounts include the following: scientific and common names, additional identification remarks, general distributional discussions, various ecological and biological remarks, records of known occurrence, and distributional range maps.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
James Smith Findley
Second Committee Member
Norman J. Scott
Third Committee Member
Clifford Smeed Crawford
Recommended Citation
Caire, William. "The Distribution And Zoogeography Of The Mammals Of Sonora, Mexico." (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/614