Biology ETDs
Publication Date
The primary object of this study was to determine the reproductive status of Juniperus deppeana Steud. In Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico. Due to the apparent scarcity of seedlings and young trees, eventual local extinction seemed likely.
Information about the population—its distributions in space and time, its fecundity and mortality rates—was gathered in the Monument. This, together with reported demographic traits of Juniperus spp., indicates that reproduction has indeed recently declined. However, due to the longevity of its members, the population could withstand at least a century of no reproduction before becoming seriously endangered.
Since reproduction has been generally poor over the last 50 years or more, climatic changes seem most likely cause. Such changes would not need to have been great to have such an effect, because the Monument is at best a marginal habitat for the species.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
James Roman Gosz
Second Committee Member
Michael L. Rosenzweig
Third Committee Member
Earl F. Aldon
Recommended Citation
Mark, Graham A.. "Reproductive Status Of Alligator Juniper In Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico." (1974). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/550