Biology ETDs
Publication Date
A bacterial survey of fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, Arizona and Salmonella was made of the waters of the Rio Grande, its adjoining canals and ditches, and of the well water of three pueblos along the Rio Grande in New Mexico. The river and ditch survey consisted of sampling 11 sites from Cochiti Bridge south to the Bernalillo Acequia at Bernalillo, and took place between September, 1971 and November, 1972. Water was collected from six sites in Cochiti Village, five sites in Santo Domingo Village, and seven sites from San Felipe Village between May 25, 1972 and November 14, 1972. Six Salmonella enteritidis isolations were made including serotypes carrau, newport, belem, muenchen, and bredeney from four sites - Cochiti Bridge, Sili Main Canal, Bernalillo Acequia, and San Felipe Bridge. Two Arizona isolations were made from Cochiti East Side Main Canal and Bernalillo Acequia. All of the isolates were found in July and August when surface water temperatures ranged from 22.8 to 24.0 ° C. Fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci were counted using Millipore Filter techniques and the fecal coliform/ fecal streptococcus ratios (FC/FS) were computed. There appeared to be a seasonal pattern; the quantity of both organisms reached their greatest numbers during the warmer months of May to September. However, the FC/FS ratios had no apparent pattern and showed no correlation other than that Salmonella was not isolated when the ratio was less than 9.7. Samples collected from the pueblos showed contamination at various sites. An attempt was made to find causes of contamination and measures were taken in each pueblo to try and eliminate it.
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
UNM Biology Department
First Committee Member (Chair)
Eugene Weston Rypka
Second Committee Member
Larry L. Barton
Third Committee Member
Ronda Cooper
Recommended Citation
Fogleman, Linda K.. "A Study of the Enteric Bacterial Population of the Rio Grande From Cochiti Dam to Bernalillo, New Mexico and of The Water Systems of Cochiti, Santo Domingo and San Felipe Villages." (1974). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/biol_etds/439