"The Collembola of New Mexico with Especial Reference to the North-Cent" by Harold George Scott

Biology ETDs

Publication Date



Collembola discussed in this study were largely collected by Professor C. Clayton Hoff, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, between 1949 and 1954. Most of the collections were obtained by using either laboratory or field Berlese funnels to separate the Collembola from soil and litter. As used in this study, the term "field Berlese funnel" refers to an apparatus used for separation of Collembola from the soil or litter by placing the sample in a cloth funnel supported by a wire frame, sprinkling crystals of paradichlorobenzene on top of the soil or litter, and allowing the fumes of this chemical to drive the specimens downard through a cheese cloth and wire screen into a bottle of alcohol.

Project Sponsors

National Science Foundation



Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

UNM Biology Department

First Committee Member (Chair)

Clarence Clayton Hoff

Second Committee Member

William Jacob Koster

Third Committee Member

Howard J. Dittmer

Included in

Biology Commons
