Biology ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 5-17-1961


During the summer of 1960, three months were spent in making a comprehensive study of the kinds and ecological distribution of native mammals in and above the Transition Zone on Mount Taylor of Valencia County, New Mexico.

Mount Taylor, and old volcanic pile, rises 11,301 feet above sea level. Three boreal life zones, the Transition, Canadian, and Hudsonian were assigned to Mount Taylor.

Small mammals were collected by two sampling methods, quadrant and line trapping. However, mist nets were used for capturing bats. Quadrants were placed in various plant communities for three successive nights. Numbers and kinds of mammals recorded from the quadrants were used as a basis of comparison with mammal populations from quadrants placed in other communities. Line trapping sampled habitats which could not be sampled by quadrant trapping. Data were recorded in the form of total trap-nights and number of mammals taken. Record of occurrence of larger mammals were obtained by observations, by shooting, and by interviews with Forest Service employees, ranchers, and New Mexico State Game Department officials.

Over four hundred mammals were collected. Preserved study skins were placed in the University of New Mexico Collection of Vertebrates. Over one hundred specimens already in the University's collection were used in my studies.




Mount Taylor, Mammals, Fauna

Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

UNM Biology Department

First Committee Member (Chair)

James Smith Findley

Second Committee Member

William Jacob Koster

Third Committee Member

William Clarence Martin
