Biology ETDs

Publication Date

Winter 1-21-1953


In this study the literature has been reviewed with [the aforementioned] facts in mind. It was of interest to note the lack of agreement among investigators concerning the respiratory response not only in inhaling 100 percent oxygen, but also to breathing gas mixtures containing low oxygen. Very few papers were found in which as systematic respiratory study had been made to determine the variations in ventilation produced by a given concentration of carbon dioxide at various concentrations of oxygen. On a whole, considerable individual difference in respiration was reported and it seemed worthwhile to study carefully a specific acclimatized subject (av. bar. 630 mm) under standardized conditions.

Project Sponsors

Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, USAF School of Aviation Medicine



Document Type


Degree Name


Level of Degree


Department Name

UNM Biology Department

First Committee Member (Chair)

William J. Eversole

Second Committee Member

Clayton S. White

Third Committee Member

Walter M. Boothby

Included in

Biology Commons
