This information was collected and made available to the Stormwater Quality Team to help make decisions about water quality in the Rio Grande, and look at contributions from different parts of the city (e.g., North Diversion Channel, Southside Wastewater Reclamation Plant).
2007 NMED/SWQB Standard Operating Procedures were used for field protocols for collecting E. coli samples, with the amendment of taking one picture per site instead of four.
Middle Rio Grande Stormwater Quality Team, through Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority. For a complete list of BEMP supporters, please see
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Recommended Citation
BEMP Data. 2018. BEMP Database: E. coli and Field Water Quality. From Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program. BEMP, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Online: Accessed on [insert download date in YYYY-MM-DD format].
As a matter of professional ethics, if you use BEMP data, please include proper citation and acknowledgement using the following format:
BEMP Data. Date updated. BEMP Database: name of dataset. From Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program. BEMP, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Online: Date Retrieved.
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Note: The primary file download is a CSV file of the raw data. The source Excel file, along with CSV conversions of other worksheets, with formulas and images, is included in the supplementary zip file.