Architecture and Planning ETDs
Publication Date
Summer 7-11-2017
The study addresses and deconstructs inaccurate historical images, perspectives, and interpretations of Mestiza, Mexican, Spanish, and Nuevamexicana women from northeastern New Mexico in the field of planning. Concerns for the way that Mestiza, Mexican, Spanish, Nuevamexicana women are portrayed, in the history of the United States, and my observations of the way that this population of women were treated and continue to be ignored as serious topics of research for study in higher education in mainstream U.S. planning efforts led me to reconstruct the position of the Mestiza, Mexican, Spanish, Nuevamexicana women in community and economic development, as community planners of the Wagon Mound area, a village in northeastern New Mexico, through the development of an oral history project. In this thesis, I argue that Mestiza, Mexican, Spanish, Nuevamexicana women were and continue to be active agents, leaders, and experts in the planning and development of the Wagon Mound area in northeastern New Mexico.
I conclude that local customs and traditions continued well into the 21st century. The Mestizo, Mexican, Spanish, Nuevomexicano people continue to operate from their traditional forms of planning and community building for community and economic development. These are not traditional planning methods stuck in the past, but rather they have evolved and adapted while attempting to stay true to their core values of land tenure and collective decision-making for the collective survival of their families and their neighborhoods.
Document Type
Degree Name
Community and Regional Planning
Level of Degree
Department Name
School of Architecture and Planning
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Theodore Jojola
Second Committee Member
Dr. Beverly Singer
Third Committee Member
Dr. Theresa J. Córdova
Wagon Mound, Northeastern New Mexico, Women, Mestiza, Mexican, Spanish, Nuevamexicana Women
Recommended Citation
Encinias, Bianca Manuelita. "Our Grandmothers' Stories: The Role of Mestiza, Mexican, Spanish, Nuevamexicana Women in the Settlement and Community Development of the Wagon Mound Area." (2017). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/arch_etds/38