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There are two problems Involved In the study of processes of culture change: one, what are the determinants of change, and do they apply universally; two, the utilization of these laws In determining culture history. No attempt will be made in this paper to reconstruct a history of the cultural items, not because there is no historical interest, but because the problem is pointed towards the analysis of some culture processes. The concern here is limited to the study of forms, not functions though the latter may have some significant bearing on these problems. The ultimate aim of anthropology is to discover the cultural factors in human behavior. If many generalisations, covering every aspect of culture diffusion, could be shown to be valid, culture history reconstruction would be greatly simplified
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Degree Name
Level of Degree
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First Committee Member (Chair)
Florence May Hawley
Second Committee Member
Edward Franklin Castetter
Third Committee Member
Edward Franklin Castetter
Recommended Citation
Amoss, Harold Lindsay. "Variations of Two Culture Traits in the Plains Area." (1947).