Publication Date
Spring 4-30-2020
Although many differences in the behavior of men and women resemble those of other mammals, their developmental roots remain hotly debated due to the strong force of culture, including gender socialization, on human behavior. However, we can examine alternative and complementary mechanisms by studying chimpanzees, a closely-related species with complex sociality but without gender socialization. This dissertation comprises a multi-year, observational study of wild chimpanzee development examining three potential drivers of sex-typed social behavior: social experience, underlying differences in attention, and hormonal physiology. Immature chimpanzees experienced differential aggressive exposure that was shaped by their own early-emerging behavioral patterns. Both sexes attended similarly to nearby affiliative interactions, but males were more likely initiate affiliation after watching. Finally, chimpanzees exhibited human-like prepubertal increases of the adrenal androgen, DHEAS. These results identified multiple pathways toward sexually-differentiated social strategies that could also operate to shape human behavior, even in the absence of gender socialization.
behavioral development; early life experience; aggression; hormonal development
Document Type
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Melissa Emery-Thompson, Co-Chair
Second Committee Member
Martin N. Muller, Co-Chair
Third Committee Member
Sherry V. Nelson
Fourth Committee Member
Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf
Recommended Citation
Sabbi, Kristin H.. "The ontogeny of sex-typed social strategies among east African chimpanzees (Pan troglodyes schweinfurthii)." (2020).