Anderson School of Management Theses & Dissertations


Janet Eck

Publication Date



Students of business and businessmen no longer require assurance that the digital computer will play a vital role in commercial activity. Simple observation will substantiate the acceptance of electronic data processing by private enterprise. At the university, the necessity of providing an elementary introduction to data processing for business students has become clear. Unfortunately, education in data processing does not always cross disciplinary boundaries. All too often, a student acquires a knowledge of computers in one course and continues to make tedious manual computations in another. Efforts to integrate data processing and accounting education have, to date, been minimal. It is the joint recognition of the role that computers are playing in an accountant’s activities beyond the university and of the desirability of providing an application of data processing in the accounting curriculum that has prompted this thesis.



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Anderson School of Management

First Committee Member

Perry T. Mori

Second Committee Member

Lloyd Seaton Jr.

Third Committee Member

Frank Parker Fowler Jr.
