American Studies Faculty and Staff Publications
Native Hubs: Culture, Community, and Belonging in Silicon Valley and Beyond and Going Indian Book Reviews, Alison Fields
New Mexico's Cuarto Centenario: History in Visual Dialogue, Alison Fields
The Utes Must Go! Book Review, Alison Fields
On the Internal Border: Colonial Difference, the Cold War, and the Locations of "Underdevelopment", Alyosha Goldstein
Where the Nation Takes Place: Proprietary Regimes, Antistatism, and U.S. Settler Colonialism, Alyosha Goldstein
Guarding Life's Dark Secrets: Legal and Social Controls over Reputation, Propriety, and Privacy Book Review, Alex Lubin
"We are all Israelis": The Politics of Colonial Comparisons, Alex Lubin
Disturbed Landscape/Disturbing Processes: Environmental History for the Twenty-First Century, Vera Norwood
Kindred Nature: Victorian and Edwardian Women Embrace the Living World by Barbara T. Gates Book Review, Vera Norwood
The Nature of Knowing: Rachel Carson and the American Environment, Vera Norwood
Manifest Manners: The Long Gaze of Christopher Columbus, Gerald Vizenor
The Envoy to Haiku, Gerald Vizenor
The Pretend Indians: Images of Native Americans in the Movies by Gretchen Bataille; Charles Silet Book Review, Gerald Vizenor
Head Water: An Interview with Gerald Vizenor, Gerald Vizenor, Larry McCaffery, and Tom Marshall