"A History of the Italians in New Mexico" by Frederick G. Bohme

American Studies ETDs

Publication Date



Several years ago one of Albuquerque's long-time Italian-American residents remarked, "I feel like a big fellow here... I am glad I came- back there [in Italy] I would still be a little fellow." Although Italians represent one of the largest sources of American immigration, they have never comprised more than six-tenths of one percent of New Mexico's population. They are important, nevertheless, because next to natives of Mexico they comprise the largest foreign-born group in the state. They are significant because Italian churchman and Italian settlers, more than any others, provided a "bridge" between the Anglo-Saxon and Hispano cultures found here. In such a role they were indeed "big fellows."



Document Type


Degree Name

American Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

American Studies

First Committee Member (Chair)

Frank Driver Reeve

Second Committee Member

George Warren Arms

Third Committee Member

Paul A.F. Walter Jr
