American Studies ETDs
For information about submitting your thesis or dissertation, or its availability here, please see the Overview of Thesis & Dissertation Policies and Procedures or contact the Office of Graduate Studies.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Trauma, Memory, Imagination, and Survivance: Uncovering Haunting Stories within the Southwest Borderlands, Tania Paloma Garcia
The Lying Woman: Avant-Garde Collaboration in Jo Harvey Allen's Alt-Country, Caitlin C. Grann
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
"I Know the Dream Mine is True": Mormons, Mining, and the Making of "Bad Religion" in Early Twentieth-Century Utah, Christine V. Shell
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Technologies of Territoriality: Indigeneity, Surveillance, and the State, Elspeth Iralu
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Subject Disintegration: Identity and Alterity in the Age of the Hyperreal, Sophie Ell
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Health and Revolution: Anarchist Biopolitics in the Borderlands, Benjamin H. Abbott
“Pre-Packaged Sovereignty”: The Fallacy Of Indian Self-Determination In The Bureau Of Indian Affairs (Bia) Tribal Social Services Programs, April K. Chavez
Remixing The Archives: Indigenous Interpretations Of History And The Future, Marcella Ernest
#AbolishICE: An Anti-Capitalist And Anti-Colonial Approach To Black, Indigenous, And Migrant Solidarity Building, Cecilia Frescas-Ortiz
Nubians Of Plutonia: Black Women In Modern Post-Apocalyptic And Dystopian Graphic Literature, Marthia D. Fuller
No Longer Fenced Out: Outlaw Media Discourse and Resistance to Gentrification in Greenwich Village, Joseph Francis Gallegos
(Sīˈtĭng) Detroit: Vision and Dispossession in a Midwest Bordertown, Matthew J. Irwin
Contesting Historical Enchantment: Militarized Settler Colonialism and Refugee Resettlement in New Mexico, Christina Juhasz-Wood
Imperial Myths, Abject Devotion: Mapping Affect in New Mexican Visual Culture and Discourse, N. C. Lira-Pérez
Undocumented Youth Challenging Borders: Detentions, Deportations, and Family Separations in the 21st Century, Rafael A. Martinez
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Exploration, Disruption, Diaspora: Movement of Nuevomexicanos to Utah, 1776-1850, Linda C. Eleshuk Roybal
Unsettling Indian Health Services: Secularism, Modern Medicine, & The Reproduction Of The U.S. Settler State Through The 1954 Transfer Act, Jillian Elizabeth Grisel
Cartographies of Precarity: The Cultural Politics of Filipina and Mexican Migrant Domestic Workers, Maria Eugenia Lopez-Garcia
Immigration/Migration and Settler Colonialism: Doing Critical Ethnic Studies on the U.S. - Mexico Border, Raquel A. Madrigal
Gifts of Sovereignty: Settler Colonial Capitalism and the Kanaka ʻŌiwi Politics of Ea, David Uahikeaikaleiʻohu Maile
Living the Manito Trail: Maintaining Self, Community, and Culture, Trisha Venisa Martinez
(Re)Insurgent Ecologies: Dwelling Together Between Queasy Worlds, Kirsten E. Mundt
More Than A Fiesta: Cinco De Mayo Celebrations And The Transboundary Link In Ambos Nogales, Kristen S. Valencia
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Tangibility And Symbolism Along Historic Highway 66 In Albuquerque, Donatella Davanzo
Little Red Riding Hood In The Dialogic Tension Of Wolf Politics In The U.S. West, Kaisa T. Lappalainen
Transgender Murder Memorials: A Call for Intersectionality and Trans Livability, Lazarus Nance Letcher
The Territorial Politics of the New York Botanical Garden, 1891-1912, Carolyn McSherry
The Heart of K'e: Transforming Dine Special Education and Unsettling the Colonial Logics of Disability, Sandra Yellowhorse
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Arresting Narratives: Incommensurability, Policing, and Settler Security, Darcy H. Brazen
Keres Language Loss In The Santo Domingo Pueblo Community, Christopher Chavez
Our History is the Future: Mni Wiconi and the Struggle for Native Liberation, Nick Estes
(Dis)Appearing Subjects: Managing Violence Through the Discourse of Bullying, Rachel E. Levitt
From Sand Creek To Somalia: Black Bodies In Denver’s Post-Industrial Urban Cultural Re-Imagination, Webster Matjaka
Texas-Mexico Border Cultural Production: Ethnographic Aesthetics and Modernity in Folklore, Literature, and Film, Margie Montanez
"Revealing Reality": Four Asian Filmmakers Visualize the Transnational Imaginary, Stephen Edward Spence
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Place, Imaginary, Identity: Place Ethnography in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Tita Berger
Settler Social Order: The Violence of Policing in New Mexico, Elisabeth R. Ehlert Perkal
The Scientific Conquest of New Mexico: Local Legacies of the Manhattan Project 1942-2015, Lucie Anne Genay
Reclaiming the Land: Indigenous Articulations of Environmentalism at Bears Ears, Caroline Goodman
Complicating Transgender: White Privilege and the Politics of Rurality, Jordon Johnson
Decolonizing The Body: Breast Cancer And The Environment In Toxic Times, Cynthia L. Martin
African Dreams of America: Diaspora experience in the Writing of Aidoo, Adichie and Cole, Gbenga Olorunsiwa
Femmage And The DIY Movement: Feminism, Crafty Women, And The Politics Of Gender Performance, Rosemary L. Sallee
Contesting Liberalism, Refusing Death: A Biopolitical Critique Of Navajo History, Melanie Yazzie
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Obama as Visual Icon: Blackness, Post-Raciality, and Multiculturalism in the Neoliberal Age, Jadira Gurule
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Reproducing Prevention: Teen Pregnancy and Intimate Citizenship in the Post-Welfare Era, Clare Daniel
Intimate Gestures: Race, Photography, and Spectatorship in Tijuanas Dumps and Irregular Settlements, George Luna-Peña
Material Embodiments, Queer Visualities: Presenting Disability in American Public History, Andrew B. Marcum
Unsettling Accounts: Life, Debt, and Development in the Middle Rio Grande, Samuel Karrigan Robison Markwell
Counter Culture Youth: Immigrant Rights Activism and the Undocumented Youth Vanguard, Rafael A. Martinez
Eva'lution in Fandangos, Fiestas, and Flamenco: Adding to the Repertoire of Chicano Expressive Arts, Trisha Martinez
The Un-Exceptional Bomb: Settler Nuclearism, Feminism, and Atomic Tourism in New Mexico, Eileen Clare Shaughnessy
No Admission Required: Sovereignty, Slots and Native American Art, Jane Sinclair
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Write Of The Valkyries: An Analysis Of Selected Life Narratives Of Women In The Heavy Metal Music Subculture, Aurore Diehl
The Power of Voice: The Indian Arts Research Centers Identity Shift, Laura Elliff
When is a Convento Kiva? : A Postcolonial-Critical Indigenous Critique of the Convento Kiva at Pecos National Historical Park, David Holtkamp
Carnales: Transnational Affiliation in Chicano Vietnam War Protest, Kirsten Lustgarten
Imagining "the Town too Tough to Die": Tourism, Preservation, and History in Tombstone, Arizona, Kara McCormack
Microbes, Individuals, and Medical Charity: Tuberculosis and the Remaking of Liberal Individualism in Late 19th-Century Philadelphia, Carson Metzger
The Borderpsychosocial Development Project: Is There a Specific Psychosocial Consciousness that Frames Development for Border Women?, Maria Gloria Munguia Wellman
Savage Fakes: Misdirection, Fraudulence, And Autobiography In The 1920S0s, Whitney Purvis Rakich
New Mexico's Nuclear Enchantment: Local Politics, National Imperatives, and Radioactive Waste Disposal in the Desert, Jennifer Richter
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Bio+Terror: Science, Security, Simulation, Melanie Armstrong
Risky Subjects, Subjects at Risk: HPV Vaccination and the Neoliberal Turn in Public Health, Anzia Bennett
Colonizing Chaco Canyon: Mapping Antiquity in the Territorial Southwest, Berenika Byszewski
Recordando Nuestra Gente: Ritual Memorialization Along the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, Theresa Córdova
Panhe at the Crossroads: Toward an Indigenized Environmental Justice Theory, Dina Gilio
The Becoming of Age: How discourses of aging and old age in contemporary, popular film both reinforce and reimagine the narrative of aging as decline, Pamela H. Gravagne
Whose "Shared Humanity"?: The Tribal Law And Order Act (2010), Barack Obama, And The Politics Of Multiculturalism In Settler Colonial States, Liza Drake Minno
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Expressions of Another Center: Borderlands Visual Theory & the Art of Luis Jimenez, Eric Castillo
Gendered Crimes, Gendered Fans: Intersections of Gender, Sexuality, and Fandom in the Contemporary American Crime Drama, Melanie Cattrell
Occam's Beard: Belief, Disbelief, and Contested Meanings in American Ufology, William J. Dewan
Assembling the Poor People's Campaign (1968) Queer Activism and Economic Justice, Christina Juhasz-Wood
Ghostly I(s)/Eyes: The Formation of Subjectivity in Mexican American Life Narratives, Patricia Marie Perea
Imagining the Saints: Representations of Mormonism in American Culture, Jeremy R. Ricketts
Land, Gender, and the Politics of Identity Formation: Uncovering Hispana/Mexicana Voices in the Southwest, Karen R. Roybal
Los Tres Grandes - Herman Gallegos, Ernesto Galarza, Julian Samora: Rooted in Community, Guided by Friendship, Cultivating Leadership., Carmen Samora
Miniature Nation Building: Model Railroading and the Dialectics of Scale in Post-WWII America, Ivan Weber
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
To Prevent the Breakup of the Indian Family: The Development of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978., Evelyn Lance Blanchard
Triptych Cultural Critique: Fray Angelico Chavez and Southwestern Critical Regionalism, 1939-2004, Melina Vizcaino-Aleman
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
The Noose That Builds the Nation: Mexican Lynching in the Southwest, Annette M. Rodriguez
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
"Mis Derechos, Mi Matriz": An Evaluation of the Women's Organization "Casa Materna", Ocotal, Nicaragua, Maruja Alice Clensay
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Folklore and Alternative Masculinities in a Rave Scene, Anthony P. Avery
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
"None Of Us Are Supposed To Be Here": Ethnicity, Nationality, And The Production Of Cherokee Histories, Julia M. Coates
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
On the Side of Angels: Lesbian Activism in Los Angeles, 1970-1990, Yolanda G. Retter
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Female Millworkers and the Mechanization of Textile Production: The Boston Manufacturing Company of Waltham, Massachusetts, 1813 to 1822, Lois Bayer Gonzales
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Remembering Santa Fe Indian School, 1890-1990, Sally Hyer
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Trading Post Tales: Biography of an Indian Trader on the Navajo Reservation, Nancy Peake
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
Through Thick and Thin: Evolutionary Transitions of Las Vegas Grandes and its Pobladores, Anselmo F. Arellano
Sounds Of The Frontier: Music In Buffalo Bill'S Wild West, Michael Lee Masterson
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Beaux Gestes: The Indian and the European in Pre-Colonial North America, Philip Drover Burnham
The Early Life of Ann Nolan Clark: A Contextual Biography, Jeanne Carolyn Whitehouse
Theses/Dissertations from 1985
We Come as Friends: Violent Social Conflict in New Mexico, 1810-1910, Tobias Duran