

Amputations are long-standing surgical procedures that have been performed for centuries; however, very little attention and urgency have been given to immediate restoration of movement and return to a normal lifestyle. In many cases, the time between amputation and prosthetic fitting can pause recovery and development of new routines. To increase recovery, immediate postoperative prostheses (IPOPs) have been developed yet these are under-utilized because of concerns for wound healing and complications with vascular diseases. Subsequently, we designed a transtibial IPOP that utilizes an ergonomic modifiable socket that allows for examination, wound care, and in situ edema control. Additionally, the IPOP facilitates early weight bearing and protects the amputated limb from external trauma postoperatively. Our purpose is to introduce this technology and describe how its unique design will serve to provide potential benefits and positive effects on patients who have undergone amputations.

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Orthopedics Commons



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