Spanish and Portuguese ETDs


J. Angie Wynn

Publication Date



It is not the purpose of this study to consider the influence of Don Quixote on World Literature in general, but rather to describe the imitations of Don Quixote in the works of three famous authors. These authors have each created a pair similar to Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, and each shows in his creation the influence of Cervantes' characters. These authors represent three different national literatures and three successive centuries. They are: Henry Fielding of eighteenth-century England; Alphonse Daudet of nineteenth-century France; and Jacinto Benavente of twentieth-century Spain. We have chosen for this study: Tom Jones, the History of a Foundling, by Fielding; Tartarin of Tarascon, Tartarin on the Alps, and Port-Tarascon, by Daudet; and Los Intereses creados and La Ciudad Alegre y Confiada, by Benavente. We shall note the interpretation of each author, how each author has modified the creations of Cervantes so as to conform to a different national ideal or to a more modern attitude. Tom Jones is an English imitation written in the century after the appearance of Cervantes' masterpiece, Daudet's creation of Tartarin represents a French interpretation of the last century, and Benavente's imitations are of the present century and of Cervantes' own land.

Degree Name

Spanish (MA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Spanish and Portuguese

First Committee Member (Chair)

Lawrence B. Kiddle

Second Committee Member


Third Committee Member

Arthur Leon Campa



Document Type

