Latin American Studies ETDs

Publication Date

Spring 4-9-2020


This dissertation uses a feminist political ecology perspective to explore the socioeconomic impacts of climate change in Ecuador, especially but not limited to the agriculture sector. It is based on the use of mixed methods that allowed the participation and validation of the local population, surpassing their role as beneficiaries to co-authors of this research.

The significance of this study relies on the position the local population holds in the fields of human geography, under a community local-planning perspective, as they attempted to collaborate in the process of adaptation to climate change by presenting analysis and calculation of an index of adaptive capacity at the national level, by establishing future climate models at the local level for the first time in Ecuador, and by showing that agroecology is a viable adaptation alternative.

The collection of primary information was carried out through participatory observation, interviews with key actors, and surveys of a representative sample of families working in agriculture.

The tangible outcomes are three articles. The first is, “What the future holds? Historical climate analysis and projection of future climatic scenarios for the Andean canton of Pedro Moncayo, Ecuador,” whose main objective is to identify the evidence of change in certain climatic elements, such as precipitation and temperature at the local scale. It presents a historical analysis of the period from 1981-2017 and the formulation of climatic scenarios under the RPC4.5 and RPC6 scenarios for the 2020-2050 period. This study aims to be a contribution to vulnerable communities in their planning and capacity-building processes.

The second article, “Gendered impacts of the adoption of agroecological practices as a climate change adaptation mechanism in four Highland communities in Pedro Moncayo, Ecuador,” shows the different perceptions of women and men on the impact of the use of agroecology on gender roles, and challenges to access water resources and irrigation infrastructure.

The third article, “Adaptive capacity to climate change in Ecuador’s farming population,” proposes an adaptive capacity index (ACI) adjusted to the context of populations dedicated to agriculture in Ecuador and proves how the use of an intersectional approach improves the visibility of vulnerable groups.




Climate change, Adaptive Capacity, Agriculture, intersectionality, Adaptation, Ecuador

Document Type


Degree Name

Latin American Studies

Level of Degree


Department Name

Latin American Studies

First Committee Member (Chair)

K Maria D. Lane

Second Committee Member

Benjamin P. Warner

Third Committee Member

Claudia B. Isaac

Fourth Committee Member

Laura L. Harjo


Dr. Adriana Ramirez de Arellano, Professor at Women Studies at UNM is the fifth member of my Committee.
