"Recognizing and Enforcing State and Tribal Judgments: A Round Table Di" by Christine Zuni Cruz, Mario E. Occhialino Jr. et al.

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Let me begin with a word of introduction. For a long time, we at the American Indian Law Center have been interested in and concerned about the growth and strengthening of tribal governmental institutions. Tribal sovereignty is often talked about in the abstract, but people are somewhat reluctant to deal with the practical issues that are involved when sovereignty is actually exercised: the give and take that governments do all the time in their relationships with each other. We tried to take the leadership a number of years ago in looking at some of the practical issues involved in the inter-governmental relationship, particularly in the executive and legislative branches of state and tribal governments. What we're hoping to do in this discussion is to look at some of the practical and political concerns in the governmental relationship between the judicial branches. This is, in many respects, an area that touches the lives of Indian people the most directly and immediately, in the sense that it involves the day-to-day conduct of business on- and off-reservation. Unless there are some pretty good rules or pretty good guidelines, the ability of Indian people to do business - personal business, and business - is affected by how these issues are viewed. So it is of enormous practical importance to tribal and state governments and to the future of these governments that people understand these issues better. Honorable Richard E. Ransom, Honorable Christine Zuni, P.S. Deloria, Robert N. Clinton, Robert Laurence, Nell Jessup Newton, M.E. Occhialino, Jr.

Publication Title

American Indian Law Review



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