Portraying US-Mexico Border Environmental Health Concerns

Erinn Aspinall
Cindy Love
Mary Higgins

This poster was presented at the Medical Library Association Conference May 14-19, 2005 in San Antonio, TX.


"'Objective: Create a Web-based illustrated view of a generic US-Mexico border scene that highlights common environmental health concerns along the border and links to selected web resources on those concerns and on toxic chemicals that might be found in the region. Methods: Work with librarians, public health workers, educators, and government contacts in the border states to ensure that the border scene accurately reflects the ""look"" of the area and comprehensively represents environmental health concerns in the region. Conclusions: When creating a graphical representation of a specific geographic area and the people who live there, it\'s crucial to work with local contacts to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness of content and determine usefulness in that region.'"