Anderson School of Management Theses & Dissertations

Publication Date



The problem of parking in general and student parking in particular has become a matter of considerable interest on the University of New Mexico campus. Open parking space within a five-minute walking distance to central classroom buildings has become virtually non-existent during the peak hours of classroom activity. Evidence of student discontent over this problem is readily apparent in their letters to the student newspaper. Unbeknownst to most students, the situation is due to worsen. The University of New Mexico architect and Chief Planner, Robert Riley, has stated that within three years, no central campus parking will be available to off-campus students arriving during peak class-meeting hours, which may be defined as 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Level of Degree


Department Name

Anderson School of Management

First Committee Member

Frank Parker Fowler Jr.

Second Committee Member

Ralph Lemon Edgel

Third Committee Member

Kenneth W. Olm
