Sociology ETDs
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This study examines the school volunteer program in Albuquerque, its organization and administration, and the people who have participated as volunteers. In this regard, comparisons were undertaken of low income and middle or upper income schools as to participation and involvement of persons from neighborhoods of both types, at the administrative and volunteer levels of the program.
A theoretical framework was provided into which the data and conclusions of the study could be integrated. This framework focused upon the various processes of institutionalization, the transition from charismatic to bureaucratic leadership, cooptation, and organizational adaptation to precarious values.
A survey was undertaken of school volunteer programs in forty-four cities. This concentrated on institutionalization within their organizational and administrative structure and on the extent to which individuals from low income and middle or upper income neighborhoods participated.
A historical and analytical examination of the Albuquerque School Volunteer Program was also undertaken. It showed increases in structural complexity and a trend toward expansion, changes in the type of program leadership, and the transformation of goals and philosophy.
The A.S.V.P. was further analyzed at the level of its individual school programs. Interviews were conducted with the supervisors of twenty of these programs. These interviews sought to determine the attitudes of these supervisors toward using neighborhood residents as volunteers and to uncover any differences in attitude between supervisors in low income and middle or upper income schools.
As a result of institutionalization, bureaucratization of leadership, cooperation, and adaptation to precarious values, the goals of the program have shifted from tutoring primarily economically disadvantaged pupils to tutoring all who need help, regardless of income. Also, more voluntary participation has come from middle or upper income neighborhoods than from lower income neighborhoods, despite the initial objectives of the program.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Charles E. Woodhouse
Second Committee Member
George Arthur Huaco
Third Committee Member
Patrick Hayes McNamara
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Frank, Janet. "Tutoring In Albuquerque:A Study In Goal Transformation." (1974). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/soc_etds/96