Sociology ETDs
Publication Date
Winter 12-3-2024
International borders not only serve as the edge of a nation-state's sovereign territory, but they also aid in informing popular conceptions of its national identity. This study examines how the Mexico - U.S. border served as a spark for episodes of American nationalism from 1821-1920. In examining three historical periods whereby the border was forming, disrupted, or challenged, I demonstrate how borders serve as sources, both symbolically and physically for the expressions of American nationalism. I utilize inductive qualitative discourse analysis of American actors embedded along the border, in Mexico, or serving as political leaders, to sample some of the popular nationalistic expressions made in relation to the border, Mexico, and Mexicans. This study explores the intersection of race with key nationalism frameworks which include civic and ethnic nationalism, to illustrate how national characteristics of race and ethnicity inform ideologies, attitudes, and assumptions about the American national identity.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
First Committee Member (Chair)
Dr. Nancy López
Second Committee Member
Dr. Phillip (Felipe) Gonzales
Third Committee Member
Dr. Owen Whooley
Fourth Committee Member
Dr. Samuel Truett
American nationalism, racial nationalism, civic and ethnic nationalism, borders, Mexico - U.S. border, white nationalism, protective nationalism, imperial nationalism, and replicative nationalism
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Williams, Jon M. PhD. "“MEXICO HAS SPILT AMERICAN BLOOD UPON AMERICAN SOIL!” THE ROLE OF THE MEXICO-U.S. BORDER IN THE PROMOTION OF AMERICAN NATIONALISM, 1821-1920." (2024). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/soc_etds/91
Included in
Politics and Social Change Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Sociology of Culture Commons