Speech and Hearing Sciences ETDs

Publication Date

Summer 8-8-1959


In the rich heritage of rhetoric, pulpit speaking has become one of the significant areas of public address. A wide gap would be left in the history of public address if pulpit orators were excluded from its heritage. In a sense, the history of this nation can be punctuated by a study religious speakers that have helped mold its development.

This study deals with the life and preaching of Henry Leo Boles, whose contribution to the dignity of the spoken word of the American pulpit has been significant. The pulpit ability of H. Leo Boles was no mere accident. He was a scholar who conscientiously applied rhetorical technique to the business of sermonizing. His preaching adhered to sound principles of invention, arrangement, style, and delivery.

Level of Degree


Department Name

Speech and Hearing Sciences

First Committee Member (Chair)

Wayne C. Eubank

Second Committee Member


Third Committee Member

George Winston Smith

Project Sponsors

David Lipscomb College, Violet DeVaney, The Gospel Advocate




H. Leo Boles, Nineteenth Century Restoration Movement, Missionary Society

Document Type

