Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Spring 5-2023
Epilepsy affects 3.4 million people in the United States and may affect their memory performance. This study investigated the relationships between memory performance, hippocampal volume ratio, and demographic factors in adults with intractable epilepsy in standardized memory tasks and an experimental memory task designed to be repeated daily. Participants underwent electrode implantation surgery and completed comprehensive neuropsychological assessments prior to surgery including an experimental memory task during their stay in the hospital. Correlation, ANOVA, and regression analyses were completed. The standardized memory tasks and the experimental memory task were significantly correlated. Hippocampal volume ratio was not significantly correlated to memory performance nor was seizure onset zone in these analyses. Regression analyses showed no significant relationship between hippocampal volume ratio, verbal memory performance, and demographic factors. Further analysis is needed to better understand these relationships and the utility of the experimental repeatable memory task, improving clinical outcomes in epilepsy.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
Steven Verney
Second Committee Member
Lynette Abrams-Silva
Third Committee Member
Ben Clark
Fourth Committee Member
Bradley Lega
Intractable Epilepsy, Verbal Memory, Hippocampal Volume Ratio, Repeatable Memory Measures, Neuropsychological Tests
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Burks, Alexis Gabrielle. "Assessing Verbal Memory Task Performance and Intractable Epilepsy: The Associations among Hippocampal Volume Ratio, Seizure Demographic Factors and Memory Indices." (2023). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/386