Psychology ETDs
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Multiple ECS treatments were administered to rats in order to assess the effects of electroshock upon rotational behavior. Since CA systems have a demonstrated role in the determination of rotational activity, alterations in behavioral asymmetry would suggest underlying changes in the intrinsic asymmetry of CA projections. If ECS, in turn, were to alter CA function, then one would expect ECS to also alter rotational asymmetry. In order to test this hypothesis, animals were given ECS daily for eight consecutive days. Measures of amphetamine-induced rotational activity were obtained from each animal prior to the first shock treatment and forty-eight hours following the last ECS treatment. Relative to sham control animals, shocked animals demonstrated an increase in total number of rotations. During posttreatment testing, shocked animals also displayed greater deviations from pretreatment measures of side preference than their sham counterparts. These results suggest that CA systems regulating locomotor activity and lateral preference were altered by multiple ECS treatments.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
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First Committee Member (Chair)
Gordon K. Hodge
Second Committee Member
Joseph Anthony Parsons
Third Committee Member
Dennis Feeney
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Hall, Thomas Lee. "The Effect of Multiple Electroconvulsive Shocks Upon Rotational Activity in Rats." (1978). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/379