Psychology ETDs
Publication Date
Fall 11-12-2021
The Reward Positivity (RewP) is a positive deflection in the EEG after receiving a reward. Recent evidence suggests that the RewP is modulated by both reward probability aside from affective liking. Here we examined the sensitivity of the RewP to affective and alcohol images in individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD). We recruited 55 participants (AUD =28, Control= 27). Participants completed an image rating task and a reinforcement learning task with picture feedback (puppy or alcohol images over a green or red screen). Although there was no between group differences in puppy image ratings, there was a significant group difference in alcohol images. Within AUD group, there was significant positive correlation between AUDIT score and RewP amplitudes, signifying the influence of increase in alcohol consumption on the magnitude of RewP. Modulation of this signal by alcohol specific cues is in line with general “liking” related trends observed in AUD sample.
Degree Name
Level of Degree
Department Name
First Committee Member (Chair)
James F. Cavanagh
Second Committee Member
Jeremy Hogeveen
Third Committee Member
Katie Witkiewitz
Reward Positivity, AUD, EEG, Reinforcement Learning, Rewarding Outcomes
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Singh, Garima. "The Reward Positivity in Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorder." (2021). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/psy_etds/344